Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We are back! After almost three years at the same location! We are still at La Dolce Vita. We have survived thus far. It has been hard but we made it until now! Finally we see some progress from our tireless efforts!
The big news we welcomed our beautiful, amazing, funny baby twin boys March 31st 2010. They have changed our lives in ways one could not imagine! To go from two to four in minutes is earth shattering! We are madly in love and carting now two babies to work instead of just us! Max and Finn are awesome and love to be at the bakery!
We have overcome so many obstacles at La Dolce Vita and I am hopefully back to some I should say I will start to post! Life has been chaotic and wonderful at the same time over the last couple years and a bit! Finally the bakery feels like our own. I hope this upswing continues!
Brings me to my business of the day...pretzels...German style, soft pretzels. We are in the business of making them and it's about to take off in a big way. I hope! Soon on top of Dolce Vita we will have Montreal Pretzels. Stay tuned.
For now picture yourself in a German Beer Garten or strolling the streets of NYC a la Carrie Bradshaw and Willie Garson! Salty, chewy, soft and perfect! A wonderful snack twisted into a little summersault!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Really getting "stuck in"!

It has been almost a month and no posts! That is my fault.  We have been busy..papers, documents, trying to organize our lives etc...
Somehow the best intentions really don't go far!  We get the keyes to our lovely little bakery tomorrow night.  We are both excited and nervous!  We now have people depending on our success to pay them.  
There have been alot of sleepless night and nights that have us done in by 9pm.   Poor Andreas seems to be wasting away without any appetite...which in my opinion won't do for a baker!  I am planning a menu we can go to so as to have something fast, healthy and tasty when we come home at night to follow.  I have to master uploading them first...(I really seem to be behind the times)!
What I am currently struggling with is the new decor...I  had always dreamed of a bakery that was whimsical, nostalgic with a little bit of some shabby chic!  How I am going to integrate all of that I am not sure!  We have a goal to be complete on that by early December.  The kicker is that the bakery (La Dolce Vita) is an Italian bakery.   We are planning on incorporating some Italian scenery in tastefully!
Which brings me to the location and name..La Dolce Vita Bakery...or Boulangerie La DolceVita.
Is located at 5670 Jarry East in Montreal.
What a wonderful name...I think we have a great opportunity here!  

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The purpose of this blog is to document our trails  and tribulations as we open a bakery here in Montreal. We want to look back and reflect as we go along.  Over the next while the blog may change in format and in name..but I will keep you posted.  Eventually we want to have this as part of our website..but that is to come.  Right now we are busy preparing to get into the bakery and learn how to run it!  We are both excited and nervous with lots of sleepless nights.  That being said it is a dream we have been able to realize after much work and perseverance.  Andreas is a wonderfully trained baker and pasty guy and I love to bake and cook and experiment in the kitchen.
So here we the next few days we will post more info. on ourselves and the bakery.  We are so excited and looking forward to this new adventure!
For those of you who are familiar with Montreal..Andreas has been a mastermind (if you ask me) at the "Dirty Bakery" in Laval for almost 20 off we go!